GLOBALEX 2018 – LREC pre-conference workshop

Miyazaki, Japan, 8 May 2018

Lexicography & WordNets – Workshop Program

9:00-9:10         Introduction Ilan Kernerman and Simon Krek
9:10-9:30         WordNets and Lexicography Francis Bond

9:30-10:30       Session 1

ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure: Contributions to and from the Linguistic Linked Open Data. Thierry Declerck, John McCrae, Roberto Navigli, Ksenia Zaytseva and Tanja Wissik

The Diachronic Semantic Lexicon of Dutch as Linked Open Data. Katrien Depuydt and Jesse de Does

Linked Open Data for the Historical Lexicography of Old French. Sabine Tittel and Christian Chiarcos

10:30-11:00     Break

11:00-12:40     Session 2

WordNet for “Easy” Textual Inferences.Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli, Livy Real and Valeria dePaiva

Attempts at Visualization of Etymological Information. Armin Hoenen

Options for a Lexicographic Treatment of Negation in Zulu. Sonja Bosch and Gertrud Faaβ

Developing a Multi-Functional e-Spelling-Dictionary – a South African Perspective. Elsabe Taljard and Daniel Prinsloo

Blockchain Lexicography: Prototyping the Collaborative, Participatory Post-Dictionary. Daniel McDonald and Eveline Wandl-Vogt

12:40-14:20     Lunch

14:20-15:20     Session 3

A Methodology for Locating Translations of Specialized Collocations. Marie-Claude L’Homme, Nathalie Prévil and Benoît Robichaud

The Role of Conceptual Relations in the Drafting of Natural Language Definitions: An Example from the Biomedical Domain. Sara Carvalho, Rute Costa and Christophe Roche

Towards the Construction of a Lexical Data and Technology Ecosystem: The Experience of ILC-CNR. Monica Monachini and Anas Fahad Khan

15:20-16:00     Posters

Integrating Prepositions in WordNets: Relations, Glosses and Visual Description. Raquel Amaro

Presenting the Nenufar Project: A Diachronic Digital Edition of the Petit Larousse IllustréHervé Bohbot, Francesca Frontini, Giancarlo Luxardo, Mohamed Khemakhem and Laurent Romary

Crafting a Lexicon of Referential Expressions for NLG Applications. Ariel Gutman, Alexandros Andre Chaaraoui and Pascal Fleury

Enhancing Usability for Automatically Structuring Digitised Dictionaries. Mohamed Khemakhem, Axel Herold and Laurent Romary

The EcoLexiconSemantic Sketch Grammar: From Knowledge Patterns to Word Sketches. Pilar León-Araúz and Antonio San Martín

Combining Dictionaries, WordNets and other Lexical Resources – Advantages and Challenges. Bolette Pedersen, Sanni Nimb, Sussi Olsen and Nicolai Sørensen

16:00-16:30     Break

16:30-18:00     Discussion Simon Krek, Ilan Kernerman and Francis Bond


